Cook County ARTS

Application Portal

While you can save your progress and return to the application at a later date, we suggest downloading this PDF version of all application questions for your reference.

The following documents are required for the application:

  1. Creative Placemaking Project Plan, including:

    • Project history- if applicable and relevant
    • Project budget- indicating proposed source and status of all project revenue
    • Project timeline- long-term maintenance plan
    • Site control
    • Images and details of proposed site if applicable 
    • Roster of project team and key community partners (artists, community development leaders, residents, etc.) with brief biographies, their role in the project, and highlighting relevant skills and experiences
  2. IRS Letter of Determination as 501(c) Nonprofit*

  3. Financial Statements for the last 2 years (audited or unaudited)

  4. Letters of Support to demonstrate community support (no more than 3)

    *If the applicant is operating with a Fiscal Sponsorship, include a signed and executed fiscal agency agreement between applicant and fiscal agent.

Versión en español aquí.

Having trouble with your application? Visit our partners at the Arts Alliance Help Desk for 1-1 support.